Saturday, April 20, 2013

Garden Planted

 They say that, in spring, when the oak trees leaves have grown to about the size of squirrels ears, its time to plant corn.  Well, today the oaks leaves were just the right size, so my wife and I planted the garden. 

I ordered my seeds from and have been experimenting with the idea of saving seeds from one year to plant the next year.  So far I've identified a variety of corn, three types of beans, and a type of squash that seem to do pretty well in the eastern United States.  I'm not particularly wed to using only plants of American origin, but it just sort of turned out that way. 

In previous years I've been somewhat disappointed with the output of my squash and bean plants, so I'll be interested in seeing what kind of impact the honey bees have on these plants. Although there is currently nothing growing in the garden, a few of the bees seem to have taken a keen interest in the muddier parts of the garden.  I'm not certain, but I think they are interested in some of the minerals present in the garden soil. 

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