Friday, August 9, 2013

More changes

Over the past few weeks I've noticed that it's getting harder to approach the hive without being pestered by what I like to call "interrogator bees."  These bees like to fly up to your head and buzz rapidly back-and-forth.  So far they haven't done anything more aggressive, but they are very persistent. 

Another thing I've noticed has been an apparent increase in the young bee population.  These younger bees spend a great deal of their time wash-boarding, and festooning, and don't have much interest in foraging.  This preoccupation with wash-boarding and festooning, has become so intense that they have completely blocked off the upper entrance holes in the hive leaving only the bottom two holes for foragers.  What are they up to? 

 There are still few, if any, drones, and they are continuing to build up pollen reserves.  I see very little capped honey. 

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