Friday, September 13, 2013

Drones Hanging Around

This afternoon, for the first time in many weeks, I observed a drone hanging around the hive.  I see it as a positive sign, as I had been concerned about the new queen not being able to find males at this time of year. 

The Bidens sp. is continuing to flower, although they do appear to be decreasing in quantity.  
The Ageratina altissima, however, is now at it's peek. 

Also nearing its peak is Solidago sp.

The first few Helianthus tuberosus (Jerusalem artichoke) flowers are starting to open. 
When the H. tuberosus tubers are planted in good soil with plenty of spacing, they can grow very tall. 
In prior years the squash output from my garden had been pretty meek.  In 2011, my garden produced only three squash and 2012 I had only two.  This year, however, the squash vines are loaded, which I attribute largely to the bees.  

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