Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Bee Update - Big Pollen Day

Arrived home this evening to see the bees bringing home a lot of pollen. I'm not sure where they were getting it from, but it is apparently a very good source. 

 Also, two days ago, because one of the hives was lacking a queen, I decided to combine the two hives into one hive.  To do this I stapled a temporary divider (a single sheet of newspaper) across the center of the hive and placed the combs with their bees from the queenless hive into the back end of the other hive so they were essentially one hive separated in half by a sheet of news paper.  I also drilled a single hole in the back end of the combined hive to give the new bees a little more ventilation.  I'm not really sure if this will help of cause more problems in the long run. 

The combined hive (foreground) with the now empty hive in the background.  A few bees are still trying to stay in the empty hive, but most of them seem to be orienting themselves to the new hive. 
The new temporary rear entrance for the new bees. 

 And now, miscellaneous bee flight pictures!

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