Saturday, August 24, 2013

Humidity Cicuit Update

After rechecking the parameters for the HCH-1000, I observed that the normal operating frequency range is actually 1kHz - 100kHz, so I reset my desired frequency to 2kHz and recomputed the Ra and Rb values.  The resulting adjusted resistances were: 43,000 and 1,100,000 Ohms. 

I tested the circuit with these values by simulating it in KTechlab.  For the simulation, I created one circuit with a capacitance set to 310pF and a second circuit with a capacitance set to 350pF.  The simulation produced outputs with the expected variance.  

Circuits with different capacitors (310pF on left and 350pF on right) with corresponding waveform outputs.  
KTechlab has good visualization, but I wasn't able to find a good numerical output (I admit I didn't try very hard), so I added a function to my previously posted script that graphs the calculated frequency.

 The next step is to build the prototype and test it.

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